How Do You Start A Facebook Page?

Hi guys! Most of the top posts here in my blog is related to web development with Facebook. Many asks beforehand how to create a Facebook page where we will pull our data. So here’s a step by step tutorial on how to do such task.

How Do You Start A Facebook Page?
Our final output.

Photos are kinda small, you have to click each photos below to enlarge.

Step 1

Go to Facebook “Create A Page” section that can be found in this link: Create a Page. You should see this page:

Create a Facebook page.
Create a Facebook page.

Step 2

In this example, we are going to create a “Brand or Product” for our website. Click “Brand or Product” box and fill up the required filled.
On the “Category” dropdown, select “Website”.
On the “Brand or Product Name” field, I’ll enter “Mike Dalisay Works” for example.
Check “I agree to Facebook Pages Terms” checkbox.
It should look like this:

Creating a brand or product Facebook page.
Creating a brand or product Facebook page.

Step 3

Click the “Get Started” button. It will make you set up some information for your Facebook page such as profile picture, about, Facebook web address, and enable ads option. Just follow the flow.

Facebook page info set up.
Facebook page info set up.
Facebook page profile picture.
Facebook page profile picture.
Facebook page “About” info
Facebook page “About” info
Facebook web address.
Facebook web address.
Enable ads. You can click the skip button.
Enable ads. You can click the skip button.

Step 4

At this stage, you already have successfully created your Facebook page! Congrats! Now Facebook will give you some guidelines on how to use your Facebook page.

Like your own page.
Like your own page.
Invite others to like your page.
Invite others to like your page.
Do your first post!
Do your first post!

Hi! I'm Mike Dalisay, the co-founder of, a site that helps you build web applications with PHP and JavaScript. Need support? Comment below or contact [email protected]

I'm also passionate about technology and enjoy sharing my experience and learnings online. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.